$390K in 3 months with $0 in ad spend
"SaasBox lets us create a month’s worth of content in one week for our clients, allowing us to spend the rest of the month engaging and optimizing.”
28 appointments in the first
2 weeks.
70 appointment requests in
the first 3 days
"You are the Jedi Master of Reactivation. The force is strong with you..."
- Terry Robinson of Straightline Design, LLC
"We've been working with Samuel for over a year now. We've had great results. Highly recommend him. He is very thorough, and will bring jobs to your company."
- Bryce Gates in McKinney, TX
Case Study: $390K in 3 months with $0 in ad spend
Steffany Mohan, out of West Des Moines, Iowa, made $390K in 3 months with $0 in ad spend with our system.
We worked her database of 650 outstanding customers/dead leads, and were able to get her some truly brain-breaking numbers.
Our sales team managed all of the followup, calls, and texts, so her team simply had to take the appointments!
8 paid customers in one day
Campaign responses in 3 hours
Confirmed appointments from a 14-day campaign
40+ positive responses after running the campaign for a few hours

Best event show rate of all time.
8 customers paid $200 down.

Customer responses from the AI campaign.

$390K in 3 months with no ad spend
We worked her database of 650 old customers/dead leads, and were able to get her some truly brain-breaking numbers. Our call team managed all of the followup, calls, and texts, so her team simply had to take the appointments!

Steffany Mohan, Owner, Plaza Dental

$273K in 5 months from our system
Using FB ads, we were able to generate hundreds of
patient appointments for under $6/lead.

Carson Nail, Owner, Custom Dental of OKC

"You are the Jedi Master of Reactivation. The force is strong with you..."
We had massive success in our roofing database reactivation campaign, extracting tons of value from their CRM with no work on their sales team.

Terry Robinson of Straightline Design, LLC
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